Tag Archive: hair journey

Co-Wash Day

Hey everyone! Today I have a quick hair post. I ended up co-washing today because my updo was becoming an up-don’t. I also wanted to be able to get to my scalp and get all the product out of my hair.



  • Prepooed with V05 Tea Therapy and grapeseed oil
  • co-washed with V05 Moisture Milks Passion Fruit
  • Conditioned with Organix Awapuhi Ginger Conditioner
  • Air dried about 70%
  • Applied leave-ins (African Pride Braid Sheen Spray, Grapeseed Oil, Elasta QP Mango Butter)

I don’t normally prepoo when cowashing but I did this time to help soften up the parts of my hair that were hard from the eco-styler gel. This was my first time using the Organix Awapuhi conditioner and I actually really like it. It gave my hair a lot more slip than I expected since it has protein in it.  After my hair finishes air-drying I plan on doing a flexi-rod set with the back and sides pinned up.

What’s your co-wash routine?

Wash Day

This is a late post I actually washed my hair on Saturday.

  • Prepooed overnight the night before with a mixture of V05 Moisture Milks and grapeseed oil.
  • Shampooed with Palmers Coconut Formula Moisturizing Shampoo.
  • Deep Conditioned for 30 mins with Hask Natural Essentials Complete Conditioning Treatment Packet.
  • My hair felt a little dry still so I conditioned again for 5 mins with Organix Argan Oil Conditioner
  • Applied Elasta QP Mango Butter Leave-in and grapeseed oil.
  • Air dried and styled in a braiding hair bun/mohawk.
Air Drying

Air Drying

Pics of my hair style after the break…

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Hey everyone! After tons of research and deliberation I have finally decided on a hair regimen that I can (hopefully) stick to. I still haven’t found all my staple products (although I do have a few) so the products I use may change but the process will be the same.

My current protective style

My current protective style

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My hair regimen is a work in progress. I’ve found my staple shampoo, moisturizer, leave-in conditioner, and light protein deep conditioner, but I still have not found a good moisturizing deep conditioner that my hair loves. I purchased two different full sized ones so far and neither one has impressed me.

The first one I tried was the Organix Renewing Moroccan Argan Oil Intense Moisturizing Treatment (whew!). This one was just okay. To me, it just felt like a regular conditioner. When I rinsed it out my hair wasn’t dry or anything it just wasn’t as moisturized as I would expect (especially from what it’s  named).

Left: Organix Renewing Moroccan Argan Oil Intense Moisturizing Treatment Right: Shea Moisture Deep Treatment Masque

Left: Organix Renewing Moroccan Argan Oil Intense Moisturizing Treatment
Right: Shea Moisture Deep Treatment Masque

Then I tried the Shea Moisture Deep Treatment Masque. This one I had suuuuper high hopes for because 1. It was expensive  2. The ingredients were amazing and  3. it had good reviews. Read more

When I began researching how to get and maintain healthy hair one of the things almost every one agreed on was that you need to moisturize and seal every day or every other day. My problem with this was that my hair is very fine and easily weighed down so I just could not see how I could do that every day without having to wash my hair 2-3 times a week. I had been using African Pride Braid Sheen Spray for a while to moisturize my hair while it was braided when I was wearing my clip- ins.

African Pride Braid Sheen Spray IMG_2839

I tried it on my hair when it was down on a whim and it worked wonders. I mist it very lightly over my hair, comb through, and then seal with a serum or natural oil depending on how I’m wearing my hair.  It doesn’t make my hair frizz up or become weighed down like most water based moisturizers do so I can do it every day which is great.

Before I explain my hair goals and regimen and things of that nature, I thought I should journey back in time and show what my hair has been through thus far.

I’ve been relaxed since I was in about the fourth grade. These are actually the only two pictures I could find of me before my hair was relaxed:


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